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Development of hardware products

Development of hardw海司are products

Hardware products ar紅紅e auxiliary and accessory produc司筆ts used in daily life and industri遠鐘al production. Early use of gold, silve吃報r, copper, iron, tin a自身nd other metal materials, so named. In 著到addition to all kinds of metal m放我aterials, plastics, fiberglass老見 and other non-metal mate林你rials are also widely used. According t林外o the data from the "Analysis Re請什port on the Development Prospec問腦ts and Investment Strategic Planning o討到f China's Hardware Products Industry", 現司in 2010, my country's h友如ardware products industry 身月experienced rapid recove醫妹ry throughout the year一拿. In general, the hardwar妹議e industry is perform說光ing well, the growth momentum 好慢of domestic and foreign sales is ob生明vious, the import and export are綠國 growing rapidly, various economic in在還dicators are rapidly街來 improving, and the industry has basic睡腦ally returned to the leve草信l before the financial cris關區is. As the world's largest steel 腦鐵producer and the world's most populou數紅s country, China has the ad店報vantage of low cost of拍能 raw materials and labor for manufa錢和cturing hardware products. In recent 黑多years, China's hardware ex水這ports have maintained a steady grow音呢th trend, and China has become the wo樹相rld's hardware product. One of t哥時he major exporting countries, i音白t is expected that the作道 annual export volume wi很線ll continue to grow 綠線by 10-15% in the future. According弟鄉 to the "Analysis Repo也道rt on the Development Prospects an師習d Investment Strategic Pla這頻nning of China's Hardware P報事roducts Industry", in 2010, my count白愛ry's hardware products industr畫章y experienced rapid recovery thr綠水oughout the year. In general,見去 the hardware industry is performing 技坐well, the growth momentum of dom鐵個estic and foreign sales is obvious, 爸文the import and export are關些 growing rapidly, various 刀區economic indicators ar我長e rapidly improving, and the i好鐘ndustry has basically returned日喝 to the level before the們對 financial crisis. Ac雪睡cording to statistics, in 2010, there舊呢 were 8811 enterprises above 到機designated size in my co湖關untry's hardware industry, with a們吧 total industrial out嗎現put value of 635.234 billion yuan, a相分 year-on-year increase of 29.43%內討. It is mainly concentrat場從ed in the five provinces of司外 Guangdong, Zhejiang, Sha日關ndong, Jiangsu and Hebei, with a total話房 industrial output value of 474.128 bi商議llion yuan, accounting for 74.64% 讀坐of the total output value of the e村門ntire industry. The hard地西ware industry has pl器電ayed a positive role in improv森算ing people's living 那火standards, improving看機 quality of life, continuously 雜離meeting people's growing mat草司erial and cultural life needs, and expa化飛nding domestic and inte學要rnational market need又時s, and absorbing labor employment, a答林nd has accelerated the pace of indu不長strialization and urbanization. e書的nhancement. In the process o黑作f achieving the grand goal of村鄉 building a well-off s大關ociety in an all-round way, 煙國it shoulders an important hi說不storical mission. During討行 the "Twelfth Five-Year" per的玩iod, China will change the develop票體ment mode of the hardware industry, co西冷ntinue to maintain ord我匠erly, healthy, and rapid growth 東河of the industry on the premise of自西 saving resources, reducin媽哥g consumption, protecting the en鐘為vironment, and improving th金唱e quality and efficiency of econ生老omic growth. China has transfor理匠med from a major hardware manufacturi聽你ng country to a powerful hardwar計鐵e manufacturing country. It is est民火imated that the total industrial暗匠 output value and indu飛體strial added value o黑她f the “12th Five-Year Plan” period但還 will increase by about 10-分都12% annually. In 201術高5, the industry output val術懂ue will double that of 2010.
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